Explore Asheville News Submission Form

The holiday season will be here soon and news outlets are excited to hear what’s happening in Asheville! The Explore Asheville PR and content teams are already planning ahead to share your stories.

Please submit your HOLIDAY news by Friday, October 21, to be included in holiday pre-publicity efforts.

In addition, Explore Asheville is in the beginning stages of collecting good news for our “What’s New in 2023” release. If you have news to share, please fill out the bottom portion of this form.

If you have any questions, please email the Explore Asheville marketing team at news@exploreasheville.com.


(Note: Your email will not be displayed publicly. This is for internal purposes only.)
Do you have any new or different offerings this holiday season?
What kinds of events is your business planning for the holidays?
Are there any recent big changes in your operations, new openings or any good news stories that tie to Asheville's local community?
If appropriate, please upload a high-resolution image (300 dpi or 1 MB or higher) to accompany your news information. Please include appropriate credit information in the news information section above.
We are beginning to collect news from our partners for the 2023 calendar year. Do you have any updates or openings to share? Do you have any new or different offerings for the upcoming year? Let us know!